Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Heart of a Servant

This week, I would like to tell you about an amazing young lady I am honored to know. She is sixteen years old, but she has the wisdom and maturity of one twice her age. She is elegant, graceful, and feminine in the way she acts, speaks, and dresses. Nothing says "lady" like her deportment does. She has a wonderful personality uninhibited by the opinions of others because what people think makes no difference to her. She is also a blonde through and through, which makes her a wonderful target for teasing and laughing at...I mean, with. She is beautiful, talented, a great student, a wonderful companion, and she loves life.

There are so many good things I can say about this girl, but the quality she possesses that inspires me the most is her servant's heart. When there is work to be done, she is the first to volunteer and the last to complain. She is constantly looking for ways to help and is truly selfless in the way she reaches out to people. Never taking thought for herself, she puts her whole heart into serving others. Though she is the most loyal friend and is always there when someone needs her, she is often overlooked and unappreciated. Yet she continues to serve. There is nothing that can prevent her from doing what she does best. Her deep passion for Jesus and her desire to show His love to others are made obvious in her willingness to lay down her own wants and agenda in order that she may be His hands and feet to all those around her.

Oh, that I could be like her! Oh, that I too could represent my Master in the beautiful way that she does! My own selfishness is brought to light daily as I watch her esteem others better than herself.  I believe everyone can learn from the shining example she sets forth. Her impact upon my life has been great and I know there are many more who can say the same. She is truly a blessing to all who know her and I am so proud to have her for my sister.

I love you, Danielle!

1 comment:

  1. awesome post about your sweet sista!
    And beautiful blog..keep at it, girl!
    thanks for sharing!
