Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feel The Love

For all those who are interested, I skipped last week because my family is living in a van and trailer and we sang twice on Tuesday. I would have skipped this week too, but my excuse was not as good as that one. So. Onward...

Has anybody noticed Valentine's Day is this week? I hear it can be a lonely time for singles. My family has always celebrated together, so I have never really felt very lonely. Want to hear about our tradition? Good. 

Every February 14th (or 13th or 15th, depending on our concert schedule) our family dresses up and goes to a nice restaurant in pairs. Before Caleb was engaged, he and I were paired together. Then there was Josh and Danielle, Jared and Abby, and Mom and Daddy (of course). My parents have used this annual tradition to teach the boys chivalry. They do the flowers and candy thing (and being the great sisters we are, we get them some candy too), they open the doors for us, pull out our chairs at the table, order our food for us, and make sure our glasses stay full. All that good stuff. And the girls, in turn, make an extra effort to act like ladies. What about Zach and Christian, you ask? Well, before Caleb and Steffanie happened, Mom had Daddy and Zach and Christian. Which meant she got more chocolate than everybody else. She said she deserved it. Anyway, now Zach is my gentleman. This year we won't look quite as awkward when I take his arm because he is as tall as I am...which actually isn't very tall. (There, Daddy. I said it for you.) 

But I am not here to rub in the fact that I don't feel alone while you do. There are plenty of days when I feel the lonely pangs of singleness and I cry in a corner all by myself, but Valentine's Day isn't one of them. I am surrounded by the love of my family and I am so grateful for that. 

If you are anything like me, you have experienced miserable solitude in a room full of friends. You have watched everybody you know get engaged or married and you weep because you still have nobody. She shows you her ring or he pulls out a picture of his bride-to-be and behind your pasted on smile is an deep ache to have what they have. Let me help you change your perspective a bit with this excerpt from my journal...

He walked out the door, holding the hand of his bride. I watched from the window, tears pouring from my eyes, as the newlyweds made their way to the car. They were leaving me. They would forget about me. We would never be friends again as we once were. But then they walked by the window where I was standing and he caught my eye. A fresh stream of tears came as I felt the love in that look. And then he mouthed, "I love you."

I wrote this last July on a day when I was feeling particularly dejected. In the midst of my outpouring of emotion onto the pages, this memory came to mind, and I could not feel lonely anymore. The man is my brother, Caleb. 

Listen. Your family loves you. Your friends love you. Savor their love. Enjoy every minute you have with them for, one day, you will have that one love you have been dreaming of and these special moments will be gone. I promise you, once you take your focus off of yourself and what you do not have, and begin to enjoy the love God has already given to you, loneliness will be nothing but a memory. 

So feel the love.

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